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All rights reserved.  Association of descendants of Paul Vachon (Vachon and Pomerleau families) 2024

Association of descendants
of Paul Vachon
(Vachon and Pomerleau families)

The seventh generation
According to our records, the seventh generation is particularly concentrated between the years 1811 and 1932, and includes 639 individuals.

This is the generation that saw the first Vachons cross the border and settle in the United States. It was a woman who first married south of the border. Esther Élisabeth, daughter of Zacharie Vachon and Esther Guay of Saint-Sylvestre, married Thomas Morgan in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on June 6, 1863. What could have brought Zacharie's family to the USA? Zacharie was probably the first to settle in Fort Wayne, since other of his children were married there, and weddings are usually held in the bride's parish.

It also seems that Zacharie was quite young when he left for the U.S. because he saw 10 of his children marry there.

So, if you're a descendant of Zacharie, be proud: he'd be the first American Vachon.

See other text: Seventh generation: Eugène and Eugénie