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Design: Maurice Vachon
Software: WebAcappellaFx

All rights reserved.  Association of descendants of Paul Vachon (Vachon and Pomerleau families) 2024

Association of descendants
of Paul Vachon
(Vachon and Pomerleau families)

Genealogical information - Online form

If you wish to include your genealogical information in a potential "Vachon and Pomerleau Family Dictionary," please complete the following information form, even if you do not wish to join as a member of the Association. You may also invite other family members (siblings, aunts, uncles, etc.) to complete this form.


Your last name:

Your first name:

Your email address for sending your ancestral lineage:

Your date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd):

Place of your birth:

Name and first name of your spouse:

Date of birth of your spouse (yyyy-mm-dd):

Date of your marriage (yyyy-mm-dd):

Place of your marriage:

Name and first name of your father:

Name and first name of your mother:

Date and place of their marriage (yyyy-mm-dd):

Name and first name of your paternal grandfather:

Name and first name of your paternal grandmother:

Date and place of their marriage (yyyy-mm-dd):

Name and first name of your 1st child:

Date and place of their birth (yyyy-mm-dd):

Name and first name of your 2nd child:

Date and place of their birth (yyyy-mm-dd):

Name and first name of your 3rd child:

Date and place of their birth (yyyy-mm-dd):

Name and first name of your 4th child:

Date and place of their birth (yyyy-mm-dd):

Other relevant information: